It Seemed like being the Easter Bunny was going to be a good idea. Think about it, Free candy and hugs from little kids. “How Bad could it be!” I thought. But boy was I wrong.When I was all ready,changed and everything I started to walk up to the picnic grounds.
Instantly it was like a army of tiny soldiers charging after me! I was Horrified, I didn’t know what to do , I Stood there Motionless. It seemed like more and more just kept running up! The more and more the crowd grew they started to team up on me! Did no Adult see I was slowly getting beat up by a bunch of 3 year old’s!
After about a hour of pain the Adults finally called the kids to go line up for the egg hunt. And boy was I relived they were gone! I walked into a little hiding spot and took off the costume head and that’s when I realized I wasn’t a little White Bunny anymore. So Soon enough the kids came back and I was ready to get beaten again.
But they didn’t come running… I was Confused. But I really didn’t want to get beaten again so I just left. So a few hours later everyone packed up and left and we all went home. I was in the living room talking to my dad.Then my Grandfather walked up and said he signed me up for next years Easter Bunny! “Wait What?!?! , Not again.” I Thought. “Not Again…”