Franklin Pierce

Franklin was born on November 23, 1804 in Hillsbro In 1829, Franklin became a State Legislature     1831, He became State Representative Was 14th President Franklin Pierce Died October 8th 1856, he was elected President 2 years later Abe Became President, Instead Franklin died in 1869, because his heath was failing

December 7th 1941

President Franklin spoke to congress about the bombing Early that morning Attacked by Japan Russia and England were also at war with Japan so they kinda helped Lead us to world war II Hawaii was were the base was Arizona was a ship that sunk at the attack Rososevel Franklin announced that December 7th would … [Read more…]


John Smith A sail to America Many people died in the winter English settlers Selling tobacco Tobacco On May 14,1607 Virgina Company sent 120 men Was named after King James 1 New colony I would go with Jamestown  because they planed on staying until they found gold and when they did they would leave so … [Read more…]

Henry Hudson

Henry Hudson June 1611 Explorer Gazette   Today we are talking about Henry Hudson , the last time anyone heard from him was when he was when his crew throw him over board onto a small boat. Hudson was a explorer for the Dutch. He was in search of the north west passage. He was … [Read more…]