5 Things That I learned This Year!

The 1st thing I learned this year was, how to get the volume of a 3-D shape.How you get the volume is you multiply the width times, length times, height. The second thing I learned this year is, Symmetry. Symmetry is when a shape is cut into 2 or more equal pieces and it lines up. Like … [Read more…]

Farewell To Spring

Farewell To Spring is a short annual native to California , thatbhas reached all th way to British Columbia! The scientific name is Clarkia Amoena and its Scientific Classification Name is Onaraceae. The colors are pink and red with fan-like petals. It grows up to 1/2 feet tall. and it takes 25-35 days to grow … [Read more…]

Why People Like To Celebrate!!

Some people ask me “why do we celebrate”? Well people celebrate because they are happy about something. Forenstes, the Super Bowl comes and some people Love the Super Bowl and they get so crazy they need to do something and that’s to celebrate! But to celebrate it don’t have to be a world holiday or … [Read more…]

what Division means to me!

division is when two numbers are subtracted repdedly. like 26 subtracted 3 times = 26 divided by 3 is! In division you can have remanders!  Remanders are just numbers that are extra and can’t be put into the anther  number  like 5 divided by 7 = 1 with 2 remanders,see!  

What Multiplication Is To Me!

Multiplication is when two numbers are multipled to get the product. Multiplication is just like adding! But you can multiple cats and dogs. If you multiple you just do repeted adding,like if you multiple 36 times 1 = 36 because 36 one time is 36! Or 10 times 5 = 50 because ten 5 times … [Read more…]